We are a 1:1 district, with all students using iPads as their learning tool. Through increased use of technology, our students are building skills in the areas of communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. Students are engaged in projects and lessons that would not be possible without technology.
Every student in Glenbard District 87 is assigned an Apple iPad as an important part of their learning. Through increased use of technology, our students are building skills in the areas:
Students need to quickly find, synthesize and communicate information and work with colleagues within a global community. Students are engaged in projects and lessons that are not possible without technology.
1:1 Devices
We want to ensure students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to responsibly navigate this emerging modern world. Therefore, since 2014, we’ve issued each student an iPad to use at home and at school, creating a robust 1:1 program. Using 1:1 iPads gives students access to anywhere, anytime learning.
Our Acceptable Use of Technology Policy 9:10 outlines rules and policies for using technology at Glenbard.
Goals of Our 1:1 Program
Schoology in Glenbard
We use Schoology (pronounced: Skool’-uh-jee), a learning management system to create an easy digital workflow for students. Student progress and activity is monitored by teachers to ensure a safe, secure, and controlled environment.
With Schoology, our students can:
Schoology for Parents
Schoology also enhances the home/school connection by allowing parents access to classroom content and communication. Every parent has access to Schoology and can view their student’s course information and school work.
As a parent, you will be able to view your student’s activity within Schoology, including homework, due dates and other important class information. Your Parent Access Code to create a Schoology account can be found in the “Other Info” tab in PowerSchool.
Though some grade information may appear in Schoology, PowerSchool is the official grade book of record.
All parents have access to PowerSchool, where official grades and attendance are updated regularly. Your PowerSchool access information is mailed home over the summer.
Parents may elect to receive daily or weekly Schoology updates and PowerSchool reports sent via e-mail.
Student’s Care of the iPad
Students are responsible for taking care of the iPad and for maintaining it so that it is ready for school every day. Each student is provided with a safe and secure iPad case, a stylus and a charging block and cable. Students must leave the Glenbard-provided case on the iPad at all times. Students should take care when placing it in bags/backpacks. Students are expected to update the operating system and apps regularly.
Charging & Storage
Students should come to school with iPads fully charged. It’s a good idea to find a safe and secure place at home to charge the iPad overnight so that it is ready for school. Charging locations can be found in the school cafeteria and library.
The iPad will have sufficient storage space when managed appropriately. Students should avoid installing unnecessary apps (especially games) and should carefully manage the storage of videos, photos and music. All students have access to unlimited storage space in Glenbard Google Drive.
Security & Safety
It’s important to update the iPad software and apps regularly.
Students should never share their iPad or use an iPad that is not assigned to them. iPads should not be used by any other family members. Students should put a passcode on the iPad for security purposes and should keep passwords private.
The iPads are owned by the school district, and there is no expectation of privacy. iPads may be monitored or inspected by the District at any time. Students should be aware that teachers can view and share their screens while in the classroom, as teachers may use the Apple Classroom app to guide student learning.
iPad Cameras & Microphone
The iPad comes equipped with a built-in microphone and front and rear-facing cameras. Students should not take pictures, video, or audio of any person (staff or student) without permission. All electronic recordings created with the device must comply with District policies and state and federal laws.
Technical Support for Your iPad
Each school has a Technology Help Desk where students can go for help with lost iPads, repairs, insurance claims, hardware and password issues, updating software and apps, and digital textbook support. Help Desks are open during normal school hours. Only Glenbard iPads are eligible for support.
Lost/Found iPads
Students should immediately report lost iPads to the Help Desk. All Glenbard iPads are registered with Apple and can be remotely disabled if lost or stolen. They are also engraved and stickered with the District contact info. If your student finds someone else’s iPad, it should be turned into the Help Desk or Dean’s Office immediately.
Apps & Downloads
Students are assigned a Glenbard Apple ID that allows them to download apps to the iPad. Students should never use a personal Apple ID on a Glenbard iPad. Glenbard distributes paid apps and textbooks to the iPad that are tied to the Apple ID.
Repairs and replacement of the iPad can be costly. Students receive insurance coverage as part of their annual fee and expenses are limited to a deductible fee for the repair/replacement of the iPad. Intentional damage is not covered and may result with both fines and disciplinary consequences. Insurance only covers the iPad, and not accessories like charging blocks or cords.
Digital Health and Wellness
Digital health and wellness is an important parent-child discussion to revisit frequently. The following suggestions are drawn from a wide variety of professional sources that may aid you in effectively guiding your student’s use of the iPad and other technology devices.
Outside of school, parents bear responsibility for the same guidance of Internet use as they exercise with information sources such as cell phones, television or movies. It is the sole responsibility of the parent(s) to supervise the student’s use of the technology device when off school grounds or outside of school.
Internet Access at Home and School
Put iPads to Bed, but Not in the Bedroom
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests parking all technology devices, from cell phones to iPads, in a common family room overnight to discourage late night, unmonitored use and sleep disruption.
Monitor & Limit Entertainment Screen Time
In 2015, the American Academy of Pediatrics revised their screen time recommendations and now encourage parents to focus on the content on the screen itself. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting recreational/entertainment screen time to one to two hours per day for children over age two. There is no screen time limit for educational content and use. More tips from the AAP about children and media.
Set Expectations
Regularly share your expectations with your child about accessing only appropriate sites and content. It is important to maintain regular, open dialog about Internet use and access. Discuss your expectations for appropriate use and behavior.
Common Sense Family Media Agreements
These are checklists that parents can use to guide conversations with their students about media use. They are designed to help parents establish guidelines and expectations around media use and behavior that are right for their family.
An example of a family media agreement from Common Sense Media
Prepare for the Future
Technology can be a great tool and resource, but also has the potential to be a distractor. Help your student learn to focus on completing tasks or assignments first before spending time on games, shopping, and social networking.
Teaching today’s teens how to manage multiple sources of information and distractions is a critical life skill, one best learned before heading off to college or the workplace.
More resources on technology for parents
Additional Things to Review with Your Student
iPad Questions and Answers
What is included in the rental fee?
The annual rental fee includes the device, case, charger, insurance and technical support from our technology staff. Your student will rent their iPad from Glenbard and use it 24/7, 365 days a year for their schoolwork. At the end of the fourth year of rental, ownership of the device will be transferred to the graduating student’s family, if the student’s account is paid in full. Students who leave Glenbard early must return the iPad and accessories to the Help Desk or pay the remaining iPad costs to keep the device.
Can students use their own iPad?
Students must use a school-issued iPad due to app licensing, filtering, and the instructional materials that will be loaded on the devices for classroom learning.
What is included in the digital curriculum fee?
Students are required to pay an annual digital curriculum/app fee to cover the costs of digital textbooks, novels, workbooks, Schoology, and district-provided applications. Previously, students were required to purchase print books for every course. Now, each student has access to all their books through this fee. All digital textbooks are available offline, so wifi is not necessary to access these materials. The iPad allows access to digital curriculum, including digital textbooks and novels, and allows us to replace heavy, damaged, and outdated traditional texts.
What are the common apps and tools that my student will use for class?
Providing students with common tools on the iPad helps teachers and students work efficiently together. These are some of the tools your student will use: the iPad camera, Gmail, Google Apps for Education, Notability, Schoology, Apple production apps like iMovie, Pages, Keynote, Explain Everything, and Khan Academy. Students are able to install other free apps for classes as needed from the Apple Store or the Glenbard App Catalog.
What is Apple Classroom?
Apple Classroom is an app used by teachers to help guide students in their learning that gives teachers the ability to give secure tests on the iPad, view and share student screens, and monitor student app use during class. Apple Classroom works based on proximity, so the student iPad must be near the teacher iPad for the app to function.
Instructional Technology Strategic Plan
Our Instructional Technology Strategic Plan, which the Board of Education approved, accelerates student learning by leveraging instructional technology to enhance instruction. It ensures that our mobile learning program continues to lead us toward engaging, interactive and hands-on learning environments that are expected in the 21st century.
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