Note: This dashboard was last updated on July 6, 2021. This dashboard provides a summary of 2020-21 school year information regarding newly reported confirmed cases of COVID-19, newly quarantined individuals, saliva sample analysis and DuPage County COVID-19 School Metrics, which include:
Due to health privacy laws, personally identifiable information for COVID-19 positive individuals will not be shared.
Additional information:
Saliva Sample Analysis
Each week, students and staff provided a saliva sample in a small vial with a unique barcode sticker affixed. These samples were collected at home and returned to the school each week for analysis. If a sample indicated a potential presence of COVID-19, the individual was referred to a CLIA-certified lab for a diagnostic test. CLIA is the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments to the Public Health Services Act. Parents/guardians were not contacted if their student received a negative result. The table below has the most recent saliva sample analysis data.
As of 3/8/2021, this data was updated to include all saliva screening results. It had previously reflected student results only.
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