In the 2022-23 school year, visit our Health and Wellness page for information about COVID-19 and other health and wellness matters.
Stay up to date with Glenbard information by subscribing to Glenbard News here.
Note: The information below is from the 2021-22 school year.
Healthy Environment – COVID-19
Posted 4/25/22
If you test positive for COVID-19 or are symptomatic, stay home.
Glenbard Health Reporting Form must be used for COVID-related issues. Please fill out this form if: You have COVID symptoms. You have tested positive for COVID. You have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19.
Superintendent outlines CDC update regarding masks
Posted 2/28/22
Dear Glenbard Families,
Thank you for your support and cooperation in our recent shift to mask optional in our buildings.
As you likely heard, on Feb. 25, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced it is relaxing its universal mask guidance and now recommends mask use in communities at high risk. The CDC released new metrics based on COVID-19 Community Level, which is a measure of the impact of COVID-19 illness on a community’s health and healthcare systems. DuPage County is currently in the low community level.
Certainly, there are individuals who choose to continue to wear a mask. It’s important that we honor these personal decisions.
Also, the CDC updated the guidance on masks on transportation. Masks are optional on Glenbard school buses and activity buses, effective March 1, 2022. Students who use a taxi to get to school (American Taxi) should continue to follow the company’s rules on masking found on their website.
Regardless of the community level, the CDC recommends that people stay up to date on vaccines and get tested if they are sick. The CDC also recommends that people with symptoms or exposure to someone with COVID-19 wear a mask.
I recognize there have been many twists and turns in our pandemic journey. I appreciate your continued patience, support and understanding as we navigate these changes.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Superintendent discusses shift to mask optional
Posted 2/17/22
Dear Glenbard Families,
Thank you for your support and cooperation in following our COVID-19 safety protocols, which have allowed us to provide a safe learning environment for students and staff. Our collective work in this area has resulted in declining cases throughout our schools. I also understand there are strong views on both sides of the topic of safety protocols, particularly masks.
During recent weeks, we have been diligent in our efforts as we patiently wait for clear and consistent guidance from state officials and agencies regarding the confusion on mask mandates. Given the ongoing inconsistencies, confusion and delays regarding clear direction, we are moving forward with a mask optional approach for all students and staff, effective Tuesday, Feb. 22.
Important and impactful developments this week:
Until Feb. 22, we require all students, staff and visitors to wear a mask in our buildings.
Because of federal requirements, masks are still required to be worn on all school buses.
Working Together, Moving Forward
As we make this shift to mask optional, we ask that the students and adults in our community continue to show respect and understanding to each other. Glenbard schools are outstanding, in part, because students, staff and parents work together to honor each other’s differences. It’s important that we honor others’ personal decisions about whether to wear a mask at school.
We will continue monitoring our local COVID-19 metrics, our ability to mitigate risk and the evolving legal landscape, each of which could result in changes to our plan. If the local metrics increase, we would have to revisit the situation and consider adjusting our mask practices.
Glenbard will continue to follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and DuPage County Health Department (DCHD). The district retains the right to reinstate any and all mitigation strategies should it become necessary.
Click this link for important recommendations from public health experts that, when implemented, support a shift to mask optional at this time.
Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding as we navigate these changes.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Use new health reporting form for COVID-related absence
Effective Feb. 2, 2022, student absences should be reported as they always have, and the Glenbard District 87 Health Reporting Form should be submitted by parents/guardians to report:
After submitting the report, the health office will respond to you. Please be patient as we work hard to get back to everyone.
Larson outlines updated guidance re: quarantine, isolation
Posted 1/9/22
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On January 7, 2022, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and DuPage County Health Department announced that they have adopted Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for schools that changes the isolation and quarantine period.
Effective the week of 1/10/2022, Glenbard High School District 87 will implement the updated guidance. Therefore, staff and students’ return date from quarantine and/or isolation may change. Your new return date will be relayed to you via email so our nursing staff can apply guidance to each case and accommodate lunches. These emails will be sent on 1/10/2022. You must wait for this email before returning (you or your student) to school.
If a staff member or student is experiencing symptoms, they should not return early. The school nurses will advise on the return date. Please report the symptoms to your school’s health office so they can advise you on the proper return date.
The mask requirements have not changed. Proper fitting and wearing (covering the nose and mouth) masks are still required.
Specific changes from the Illinois Department of Public Health can be found here. They include:
A change to the number of isolation days from 10 days to 5 days. Isolation should occur when a person is diagnosed positive for COVID-19. Specifics can be found here.
A change to the number of quarantine days for close contacts. Quarantine should occur when a person is exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19. Specifics can be found here.
Please refer to the Illinois Department of Public Health guidance for more details.
Our schools will be reaching out via email on 1/10/2022 to identify new return dates for anyone who is already isolating or quarantining. Please wait for these emails before contacting the school for a new return date. We will work quickly to reach out to each person individually. For individuals who are recommended for isolation and/or quarantine moving forward, the new guidance will be followed.
Free, voluntary testing is available at all Glenbard schools, and we encourage everyone to consider testing in order to keep schools safe. Please click here for more information about SHIELD testing in Glenbard.
Thank you to all our Glenbard families for their cooperation and support in keeping schools safe for students and staff. This collective dedication is what makes keeping schools open and in-person learning our reality!
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Back-to-School Message
Posted 8/6/21
Welcome back to school! We are right around the corner from the start of the 2021-22 school year and it is an exciting time. We are eager to get back to in-person classes. I sincerely hope that everyone enjoyed their summer break and stayed healthy and safe. As school resumes, please know that we will continue to work hard to offer engaging, safe experiences for students, as well as keep families informed of student and family supports available in and around our schools.
This week, Gov. JB Pritzker announced a state mandate that requires all students, staff and visitors at pre-kindergarten-12th grade schools — regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status — to wear a face mask in school to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The mandate is effective immediately.
As a result of the state mandate, everyone must wear a mask in all Glenbard schools regardless of vaccination status. While everyone is wearing a mask, we have the ability to maintain a higher level of safety and reduce the number of people who miss school/work due to quarantine.
The mask requirement is inclusive of youth sports and activities, with masks now required for all indoor extracurriculars and sports. In line with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), masks are not required for activities outdoors where transmission risks and rates are lower. The IHSA is not making any alterations to the published sport calendars.
Contact Tracing, Quarantine Information
Per the Illinois Department of Public Health and DuPage County Health Department, while everyone is wearing a mask, contact tracing and quarantining/isolation will be as follows:
SHIELD Illinois Voluntary Saiva-Based Testing
In addition, we have engaged SHIELD Illinois to offer voluntary, non-invasive COVID-19 testing at school. SHIELD has a diagnostic (PCR) test that will be available to staff and students at school each week. This saliva-based test will be available to identify positive COVID-19 cases and keep students safe. Notification of test results will typically occur in less than 24 hours. Parents/guardians will need to agree to testing for students to be eligible. More information to come.
Safety Mitigations for All of Glenbard
The safety mitigations/steps in place for all of Glenbard include:
The CDC and other health agencies continue to recommend vaccination as the No. 1 strategy to reducing COVID-19 (severe illness). If you are vaccinated and wish to share your student’s vaccinations status, please contact your school’s health office. If you are seeking vaccination locations/opportunities, please check with the DuPage County Health Department or your local pharmacy.
We will continue to review and consider guidance regarding safety mitigations and practices. Any future changes will be relayed to the community. Stay safe and healthy, and welcome back to in-person learning!
Additional resources are listed below:
CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools
IDPH COVID-19 School Guidance FAQs
IDPH County and School COVID-19 School Metrics
DCHD Statement on COVID-19 Prevention Strategies in Schools
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Governor mandates students, staff wear masks in school
Posted 8/4/21
On Aug. 4, 2021, Gov. JB Pritzker announced a state mandate that requires all students and staff at pre-kindergarten-12th grade schools – regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status – to wear a face mask in school to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
For more information, we encourage you to watch the governor’s press conference.
Superintendent message re: updated guidance
Posted 7/30/21
Dear Families,
On July 15, I shared with you our framework for the 2021-22 school year and noted that this is a fluid situation. We continue to monitor new information from local, state and federal health agencies, and soon we will inform you of any changes for the new school year. Our motivation continues to be safety and keeping schools open for in-person learning. The recent information and guidance is as follows:
On July 27, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced it is fully adopting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) updated masking recommendations to protect against COVID-19 and the Delta variant. The CDC recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.
The CDC also recommends that everyone, including fully vaccinated individuals, wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas with substantial and high transmission.
DuPage at Substantial Level of COVID-19 Transmission
DuPage County’s COVID-19 community transmission is now at the substantial level per Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data tracker. The overwhelming majority of new cases are among people who are not vaccinated against COVID-19.
Current Safety Mitigations
We will have a variety of safety mitigations in place for the 2021-22 school year. The following are some key elements of our framework:
The health and safety of our students and staff continues to be our No. 1 priority. We continue to evaluate guidance, and we await additional information from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). We anticipate communicating with you next week after reviewing existing guidance and any additional guidance we may receive. Thank you for your patience and continued focus on safety.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Superintendent outlines elements of framework for new school year
Posted 7/15/21
I trust you are enjoying the summer days with your family and friends and making time for some relaxation. I want to update you about three important items:
We are analyzing the recently released guidance from the CDC and state agencies. We are pleased to see that the guidance endorses a path for a full in-school experience for our students this fall. However, we noted a lack of clarity in how the guidance should be implemented by local schools, specifically regarding the wearing of masks, social distancing, and quarantine requirements. We will continue to update you when new information is available. For now, please be apprised of the following information:
The CDC’s updated COVID-19 guidance for schools explicitly allows schools to lift mask requirements indoors for students and staff who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and generally allows schools to decide where and how masking fits with their mitigation strategies. Individuals are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 two weeks after their final dose of the vaccine. The CDC says individuals who are not vaccinated should wear a mask while at school.
Activities this summer, including meetings and summer school, will adhere to the new CDC guidelines for schools as well as updated Illinois Department of Public Health guidance and Illinois State Board of Education guidance.
Here are some key elements of our framework for the 2021-22 school year:
Thank you for your partnership, patience and understanding as we continue to diligently interpret and implement the national and state guidelines.
Free Breakfast and Lunch Each Day
During the 2021-22 school year, we will provide free breakfast and lunch to all students each day under the Seamless Summer Option program. A complete meal as defined by the USDA guidelines will be offered free of charge.
A la carte items such as chips, cookies, etc. will be available for purchase. Students will be able to purchase items using cash, MySchoolBucks funds, or debit and credit cards.
All students served will need to scan their IDs so meal transactions are reported to the state.
Families do not need to complete an application to receive free or reduced meals at school during the 2021-22 school year. However, families are encouraged to complete the application in order to be eligible for Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefits. Applications can be found at this link.
P-EBT provides benefits to families with children who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals under an approved USDA meal service program. More information on P-EBT is available here.
Waiver of School Fees – Expanded Eligibility
Families that receive SNAP, TANF or Income Eligible Medicaid that received a letter indicating they are directly certified by the state will receive a waiver of school fees for the 2021-22 school year. In order to qualify for a waiver of school fees, families not notified of being directly certified will need to apply for the waiver and meet the household income eligibility requirements.
In an effort to provide our families who are facing extraordinary economic challenges with financial relief, we have doubled the range of income eligibility for school fee waivers for the 2021-22 school year. Families with household incomes double the current federal income eligibility guideline of 130% (now 260%) will now qualify for our school fee waivers. For example, a household of six with an income of $92,508 would now qualify for a school fee waiver for the 2021-22 school year.
Information regarding expanded eligibility and the application process, including the paper application, is located at this link. Eligible families are encouraged to apply for the fee waiver. This is the first year the online application process via PowerSchool is available. Check out a step-by-step video at this link. If a family applies for a waiver of school fees, they must also sign up for our 8-payment plan. For help setting up a payment plan, please click here.
Please note that families who pay school fees and are subsequently approved for fee waivers, will receive a refund. Families do not need to take any action to receive a refund. Please allow approximately 60 days for payments to be processed.
There is a lot going on as we prepare for the new school year. We will keep you apprised as new information becomes available. In the meantime, enjoy summer.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
We are reviewing updated guidance from CDC and IDPH
Posted 7/9/21
Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued guidance that allows schools to lift mask requirements indoors for students and staff who are vaccinated against COVID-19, and the Illinois Department of Public Health announced it is fully adopting the CDC’s updated guidance for COVID-19 prevention in K-12 schools. The updated school guidance is available at this link.
State Superintendent of Education Carmen Ayala said all Illinois schools will use the CDC guidance released today to start the 2021-22 school year. You may read more in IDPH’s press release.
We are reviewing the guidance and will communicate with staff and families when additional information is available.
Superintendent shares info about state guidance, homebound services
Posted 6/29/21
Dear Glenbard families,
As we prepare for the 2021-22 school year, we are excited about returning to a full, 8-period day with in-person instruction each day. We will offer full academic and extracurricular programming. We anticipate some of our students will need academic and social-emotional support, and we have a wide variety of support available to our students. Our faculty and staff are committed to a smooth transition to in-person learning and ensuring that each student feels safe, supported and ready to learn.
Engaging lessons, active learning
While livestreaming from the classroom was necessary for many months, it inhibited activity in the classroom. There will be no livestreaming in the new school year. It’s important to have full interaction among students and teachers in the classroom and interactive hands-on learning. We’re looking forward to students collaborating, participating in labs and creating things in the classroom. Our teachers do a great job of fostering a sense of community in our classrooms, and we’re excited about returning to engaging lessons and active learning.
State guidance
The safety of students and staff will remain our highest priority, and we will continue to follow state officials’ guidance. Current guidance says masks will be required in schools in the fall, as well as social distancing where possible. I am in weekly conversations with county and state officials and am advocating for state officials to provide detailed plans for the new school year. See a letter to state officials at this link. We need details in order to address the state’s mitigations, which affect our operations and staffing levels. We will send information to families and staff when we receive more details from the state.
Guidance regarding masks
According to the Illinois State Board of Education, per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidance for Operating Youth Camp, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear masks indoors or outdoors at camp. For now, masks are still required in schools for all staff and students. Masks can be removed for outdoor activities and classes.
Therefore, for the time being, all indoor activities that take place in a school building must require masks for all participants, staff and visitors, except when contraindicated by IHSA guidelines for competition.
If the activities take place outdoors, mask-wearing guidelines will adhere to Illinois Department of Public Health and CDC guidelines. Masks are not required for any individuals during competition.
Requesting homebound services for 2021-22 school year
A family who is interested in requesting homebound services for the 2021-22 school year should follow the process described by the Illinois State Board of Education in this link. A physician licensed to practice medicine would need to sign, indicating that the student has a medical need (that keeps them from coming to school) and is eligible for homebound services.
Quarantine and vaccinations:
We are looking forward to the new school year and excited about our students, faculty and staff reconnecting. For now, though, I trust you are enjoying summer with family and friends.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Two additional COVID-19 vaccine clinics available to those 16 and older
Posted 4/23/21
Health department taking appointments for COVID-19 vaccine next week
The DuPage County Health Department will host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic next week. Students age 16 and older may make an appointment to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. There are appointments at 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, April 26 through 30, and there are appointments on Saturday, May 1. The Pfizer vaccine will be administered during this vaccination clinic at the DuPage County Fairgrounds.
Call 331-251-8609 to make an appointment. Calls will be answered 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday until all slots are full.
Glendale Heights taking appointments for COVID-19 vaccine clinic
Glendale Heights will host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, April 30, at the Sports Hub, 250 Civic Center Plaza Glendale Heights. The Pfizer vaccine will be administered. Appointment required. Schedule at
Who qualifies? Every 16 year old and older Illinois resident, regardless of insurance or immigration status. Individuals who are 16 and 17 must have parent/guardian consent. Shot 2 will be automatically scheduled for Friday, May 21, at the same location.
COVID-19 vaccination clinics in our area
Posted 4/22/21
The following are COVID-19 vaccination opportunities in our area. We will update the information as new vaccination opportunities become available. Also, check statewide vaccination locations at this link.
April 24 in Addison
COVID-19 vaccine clinic for students age 16 and older set for April 24 in Addison
DuPage High School District 88, in partnership with Broadway Medical Center, is hosting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for high school students from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 24, in Addison. Our students who are 16 or older are invited to participate. The only requirement is that individuals were born on or before April 24, 2005 (16 years of age or older). Anyone younger than 18 will require parent/guardian consent prior to receiving the vaccine.
Register at this April 24 Vaccine Clinic Registration Link. Clinic details are in the online registration form.
Broadway Medical Center will be administering the Pfizer vaccine from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 24 at Addison Trail High School, 213 N. Lombard Road in Addison.
April 24 in Glendale Heights
COVID-19 vaccine clinic on April 24 in Glendale Heights for those age 18 and older
Glendale Heights will host a COVID-19 vaccination event for Illinois residents 18 and older from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 24, at the Sports Hub, 250 Civic Center Plaza in Glendale Heights.
Registration is required. Register at this link
The Moderna vaccine will be administered. Only first dose appointments. After receiving your first dose of the vaccine, you will be automatically scheduled for your second dose. Date for your second dose of the vaccine will be mentioned on spot after you receive your first dose.
Superintendent announces return to in-person 8-period day five days per week
Posted 3/12/21
Great news: I am excited to let you know that we will return to our traditional in-person five days per week, 8-period day schedule on Monday, April 5. We are eager to welcome students back for full-day in-person learning, five days per week. Early next week, your principal will send you details about our return to fully in-person learning. Know that families who want their students to remain in our remote learning model will have that option. All classes will continue to be livestreamed.
Starting on April 5:
We developed our versatile schedule to be flexible and enable us to make this positive shift so that all students could maintain their courses and teachers regardless of the learning mode they have chosen.
Revised state guidance
Updated guidance from health officials allows us to pivot back to our traditional schedule, while still following safety mitigations. On March 9, the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois State Board of Education released Revised Public Health Guidance for Schools. The new guidance includes this significant change:
The safety of our students and staff is our No. 1 priority. We will continue to work closely with health officials and follow safety mitigations, which include:
Partnership with GEA and AFSCME
Throughout the pandemic, we have expressed the desire to return to our 8-period schedule 5 days a week when the guidance and the science permitted us to do so. The safety of our students and staff has always been at the forefront of our decision making process. We are pleased that the Glenbard Education Association (GEA) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1970 are firmly in support of today’s announcement.
GEA president Kevin Sutton said, “”Our teachers are proud to work in a district that follows the science and prioritizes the safety of its students, staff, and community while providing a high-quality education. We are excited to move closer to something resembling normal.”
AFSCME Local 1970 president Viraj Dhebar said, “It now finally seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel in which we will carefully transition again to a full five-day in-person learning model. We are pleased this outcome will be reached in a safe and diligent manner.”
Encouraging health trend data
We are encouraged by the downward trend of health statistics that we have tracked for months, including the COVID-19 positivity rate in our area and the number of cases per 100,000 people. We are optimistic that with increased vaccination, these numbers will continue to decrease.
We are thrilled that many of our faculty and staff members have been vaccinated against COVID-19, and we are working to provide additional opportunities for the remainder of the staff to be vaccinated.
Next steps
Early next week, your principal will send you details about our return to fully in-person learning, including information if you want to change your teen’s learning model.
Additionally, there are a few changes to the previously released schedule. Wednesday, March 17, will be an asynchronous learning day for students as staff will be working in Professional Learning Communities. April 14 and 15, which were scheduled to be testing days, are now full days of instruction, as ISBE has cancelled these tests. As planned, all juniors will attend school in-person on Wednesday, March 24, to take the Illinois Science Assessment and Tuesday, April 13, to take the SAT. Review our revised spring semester calendar.
We will continue to offer free meal pickup for students in our remote learning model. Details about pickup times and dates will be announced soon.
There is a great deal of work to be done to reconfigure our buildings for the change.
We’ve anticipated this return to the 8-period day and will use the next two weeks and spring break to ramp up for it.
We are eager to return to our traditional in-person learning, five days a week and can’t wait to see our students on April 5.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
We are evaluating implications of state’s revised public health guidance for schools
Posted 3/9/21
Today, the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Department of Public Health announced Revised Public Health Guidance for Schools that supports returning to in-person instruction “as soon as practicable in every Illinois community.”
We are excited about the possibilities that these changes could bring to Glenbard. We are evaluating the implications of this announcement in our schools and will keep families and staff informed as further information becomes available.
Two important updates in the revised guidance are related to safe social distancing and capacity limits. The new guidance states that social distance for in-person learning is now three to six feet for students and fully vaccinated staff. Regarding capacity, we were previously limited to 50 people in a space, no matter the size of the space. Now capacity is based on the number of people who can safely social distance within the space.
Other key safety mitigations of face masks, contact tracing, cleaning protocols and handwashing remain in place. Please watch for updates in Glenbard News.
David Larson, Ed.D.
Superintendent outlines planning for 2021-22
Posted on 3/9/21
We know the 2021-22 school year will be a year like no other and we are preparing now for a successful return to full-day, in-person learning for our students. We are eager to see more of our students in the classroom and pursuing their passions in their classes and in extracurricular activities on campus. We plan to return to our pre-pandemic school schedule, where all eight periods meet five days a week.
The following is an outline of our draft plan for the 2021-22 school year that will continue to evolve as we receive guidance from health officials. Our preparations are based on assumptions that will continue to evolve. We anticipate we will receive new guidance from national, state and county health officials in the coming months and will adjust our plan as needed.
As conditions improve and our region moves into Phase 5 of the state’s Restore Illinois plan, schools will resume traditional operations with new safety guidance and procedures. We are developing our plan with the assumption that in 2021-22 safety mitigations will include wearing masks, temperature screening and increased school-wide cleaning. The well-being and safety of students and staff will remain our highest priority, and we will continue to follow public health officials’ safety guidance.
Our draft plan covers the following key areas:
This is our framework for right now, and we will develop it over time.
Community Input
We are committed to a transparent process that involves input from various stakeholders, local community experts and other government agencies. In the coming weeks, we will announce a series of town hall meetings to gather feedback. These will be followed by opportunities for future planning to engage our school community. We will continue to survey our students, families and staff for feedback about their current experience at school and their expectations for the future.
Timeline for Feedback and Plan Development
Design Priorities for this Plan
The design priorities noted below will guide our planning teams. We will continue to follow public health officials’ safety guidance. Our draft plan is responsive to the contextual realities and needs of our community.
Safety continues to be a major focus. Because conditions continue to evolve, we will closely monitor health agency guidelines as we frame details of our plan for the fall and will make adjustments as needed.
Throughout our planning process, we will keep students, families and staff informed about our plan for the 2021-22 school year. I am eager to see the plan take shape.
David Larson, Ed.D.
Superintendent outlines return to hybrid on Jan. 19
Posted 1/14/21
Many thanks to our students, parents, guardians and staff for their patience, flexibility and perseverance as we navigate through this challenging school year. We are looking forward to resuming our hybrid learning model on Tuesday, Jan. 19, and welcoming back students whose families selected in-person learning. For your convenience, please bookmark our 2021 second semester calendar.
Saliva Sample Analysis Program
We believe our saliva sample analysis program is an additional safety mitigation that is critical for us to return to our hybrid model and provide a safe school environment for students and staff. Students in the hybrid model must provide a weekly saliva sample for COVID-19 analysis.
SafeGuard Surveillance, LLC will analyze student and staff saliva samples for COVID-19. If a sample indicates a potential presence of COVID-19, the individual will be referred to a CLIA-certified lab for a diagnostic test. CLIA is the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments to the Public Health Services Act. More information regarding our saliva sample analysis program is available in our FAQ here.
This week, we delivered saliva sample kits to the homes of students whose parents/guardians agreed to the Student Consent and Waiver in PowerSchool. The kits should arrive by Jan. 15 and will include instructions, small vials and small bags. It’s important that parents/guardians ensure their student provides a sample each week.
Our Safety Protocols
As we get ready to return to in-person learning, please review the following items to reacquaint yourself with our safety protocols:
Prior to school, all parents/guardians of students under 18, or those students 18 or older, must electronically certify that they are fever-free with a temperature of less than 100.4 F and free of COVID-19 symptoms. For those students who ride a bus, this certification must be shown to the driver prior to boarding.
Face masks must be worn at the bus stop and at all times on the bus. Students should social distance on the bus to the greatest extent possible. Windows should be open, when possible, to increase air flow. Buses will be disinfected daily.
Upon arrival to school, all students will be queued in lines while maintaining social distancing. Face masks will be required to be worn at all times. Students must show the electronic certification that they are fever-free and symptom-free. Upon entry to the building, all students will walk through a thermal temperature screening station monitored by security and an administrator. Any student who displays a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be asked to step to the side to be screened by a school nurse. If the fever is confirmed, students will be directed to a quarantine area and parent/guardian will be notified.
Once students safely pass through the screening process, students must go directly to their first class of the day. Hand sanitizer will be available in hallways to maintain appropriate hand hygiene.
Students and staff will receive kits that include small vials with a unique barcode sticker affixed, plastic bags and instructions for collecting saliva samples at home once a week. This is a quick process that involves depositing a saliva sample into the vial; putting the vial into a bag; and sanitizing the bag before returning it to a drop-off box at school each week. Names are not included with the samples.
Commitment to Safety
We are eager to return to our hybrid learning model. Working together and adhering to safety protocols are key to our ability to offer in-person learning. To slow the spread of COVID-19:
Thank you for your support and commitment to safety.
David Larson, Ed.D.
Superintendent announces analysis for COVID-19 & Jan. 19 return to hybrid learning model
Posted 12/15/20
I’m excited to share with you a new approach that will allow us to return to our hybrid learning model. We are targeting Tuesday, Jan. 19, to resume our hybrid model. This opportunity involves a commitment to analyze student and staff saliva samples for COVID-19.
On Dec. 14, the Board of Education authorized Glenbard to move forward with a services agreement with SafeGuard Surveillance, LLC. Under this agreement, SafeGuard Surveillance will perform an RT-LAMP surveillance analysis of saliva samples for COVID-19. In the event a sample indicates a potential presence of COVID-19, the individual will be notified of “findings of potential clinical significance”. Parents/guardians will not be contacted if the student receives a negative result.
This agreement allows us to implement this additional, important safety mitigation for our staff and students who participate in hybrid in-person learning and in-person extracurricular activities. This safety mitigation is in addition to our current mitigations of self-certification of symptoms, temperature screening, wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, cleaning protocols and regular washing of hands.
Action Necessary
If you selected our hybrid model of in-person learning for second semester for your student, you must agree to the COVID-19 Student Consent and Waiver in PowerSchool. This requirement also applies to students who are enrolled in remote only learning for second semester who participate in in-person extracurricular activities and athletics.
Student identity data will never be shared with SafeGuard Surveillance.
Glenbard will:
More information regarding this program can be found on our FAQ here.
Weekly Schedule
The weekly schedule below is the schedule we plan to follow; however, if we identify COVID-19 spread happening in our buildings, we may need to pivot back to fully remote learning to prevent a wider outbreak. Our schedule provides a quality educational experience with direct instruction to students both in person and remote. Our teachers are livestreaming lessons and providing instruction and assistance each day. This is an optimal schedule for families who want their students in school, as well as those who prefer to have their students learning at home.
Return to Hybrid Learning Model on Jan. 19
We believe the saliva sample analysis mitigation is an additional tool for us to return to hybrid in-person learning. We plan to resume our hybrid learning model on Tuesday, Jan. 19.
We believe this additional safety mitigation is extremely important for us to continue providing a safe school environment for students and staff. Many thanks for your continued support and commitment to safety.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Second semester calendar, choice of hybrid or remote
As we look ahead to second semester, we are hopeful that we can shift to hybrid, and we will continue to offer families the option for fully remote learning. Our learning models are designed so that we can efficiently pivot in response to changing public health scenarios.
Choose Hybrid or Remote Learning Model
If you want to change your student’s learning model (hybrid or remote) for second semester, log into PowerSchool and select either the hybrid or remote learning model for your student(s) by Sunday, Dec. 13. Please note that this choice would be for the entire second semester. If your situation changes after Dec. 13, please contact your student’s counselor. If you choose remote now and later want to switch to hybrid, that change is dependent on space availability.
Calendar and Weekly Schedule
For your planning purposes, review the weekly schedule below and the second semester calendar, which includes days off, livestream schedules and in-person days for Hybrid group A and B students.
These are the schedules we plan to follow; however, if health department data indicates deteriorating health conditions, we will revert to fully remote learning as needed. Know that we are in constant communication with health officials, and we closely monitor regional health data. We will keep you apprised of any changes.
When conditions improve and the governor moves us to phase 5 of the Restore Illinois plan, we are prepared to shift to our traditional learning model of full-day, in-person instruction.
Safety Tips
Remember to:
Superintendent message re: extending fully remote for all students
Posted 11/23/20
Dear Glenbard families,
I trust each of your families will enjoy the Thanksgiving break and have a chance to rest and recharge. I know the pandemic has been challenging and quality time with your loved ones will look different this year. Many of us have experienced the devastating impact of COVID-19 in our lives. As the numbers sharply rise, the realities and dangers are very real.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we will need to extend our safety pause and continue with fully remote learning through the end of the first semester on Dec. 18. As reflected by the increased cases noted below, it simply is not safe to return to our hybrid learning model. Note that since my correspondence on Nov. 6, the number of cases per 100,000 has increased 74% (312 to 543) and the positivity rate has increased 37% (from 10.6 to 14.6).
Additional Important Information
Final Exams
The end of the semester is usually reserved for final exam days; however, the instructional adjustments teachers made this semester have resulted in the need to adapt these assessments as well. As a result, Glenbard will not have a traditional final exam schedule. Instead, we will follow the regular weekly schedule and your student may encounter a variety of assessment experiences ranging from a final exam, a unit summative assessment, culminating project or no final. Teachers will communicate how first semester grades will be finalized.
Resources and Supports
We recognize that this shift is challenging to many and that it has an impact on students and families. Please tap into the many academic and social-emotional resources that we offer. Please review your school’s document linked below for a list of support opportunities:
We also list a variety of resources in Glenbard News each week.
Fall 2020 Calendar
We will continue to follow the fall 2020 calendar. Please bookmark the calendar for your convenience.
Working Together to Reduce COVID-19 Spread
Our ability to return to our hybrid model in January depends on the status of COVID-19 in our community and the data we receive from health department officials. Please plan carefully and be cautious during the Thanksgiving weekend and the coming holidays. Each of us plays a key role in turning around the COVID-19 numbers by following these key recommendations:
Review our COVID-19 dashboard for weekly updates. We will keep families appraised about the prospect of returning to our hybrid model. Our schedule, which allows both on-site and streaming access, is designed so that we can pivot between remote and hybrid learning models.
As always, many thanks for your patience, understanding, flexibility and commitment to safety.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
COVID-19 dashboard available
Posted 11/16/20
Our COVID-19 dashboard is here. It provides a summary of information regarding newly reported confirmed cases of COVID-19, newly quarantined individuals and DuPage County COVID-19 School Metrics, which include:
We will update the dashboard each Monday that school is in session at approximately 4 p.m. Due to health privacy laws, personally identifiable information for COVID-19 positive individuals will not be shared.
Dear Glenbard families,
Many thanks for your support, flexibility and patience during these ever-changing times. I recognize that families are navigating through all sorts of issues, and that there is a great deal of uncertainty in our everyday lives. I appreciate the many ways you are helping your students.
As we have been closely tracking the data from the DuPage County Health Department, we are alarmed at the rapidly increasing number of COVID-19 cases. As of November 6, two of the key metrics — the positivity rate and the number of cases per 100,000 — are at an all-time high.
Test Positivity for DuPage County
Cases out of 100,000 for DuPage County
Taking a Safety Pause, Shifting to Fully Remote
Due to the alarming trends, beginning on Monday, Nov. 9, we will take a safety pause and shift to fully remote teaching and learning for all students. This pause will be for a minimum of three weeks. We will keep families appraised regarding the prospect of returning to our hybrid model. Our schedule, which allows both on-site and streaming access, is designed so that we can efficiently pivot to a safety pause scenario. Know that all students will continue to experience quality instruction through our talented teachers’ livestream lessons.
Additional Information
Resources and Supports
We recognize that this shift is challenging to many and that it has an impact on students and families. Despite this frustrating and uncertain school year, we have worked diligently to provide students with an array of supports and opportunities. These include academic support periods, access to social emotional support, clubs and activities offerings. I encourage you to review your school’s document linked below for a list of these support opportunities and experiences and download it for future reference:
Fall 2020 Calendar
We will continue to follow the fall 2020 calendar. We suggest you bookmark the calendar for your convenience.
Six Ways to Reduce COVID-19 Spread
We hope to be able to return to our hybrid model as soon as it is safe. This will depend on the status of COVID-19 and the data we receive from health department officials. Next week, we will post a COVID-19 dashboard to our websites.
Each of us can take steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Health experts recommend:
Share Feedback in Family Survey
We are working hard to ensure valuable learning experiences for all students and that connections between students and teachers continue. This week, our principals sent families a survey about their students’ learning experience. Please complete the survey by Nov. 12.
We are confident in our hybrid and remote models. Students are engaged with their instructors in real time and they are supported by caring, knowledgeable faculty and staff. While school looks different these days, be assured well crafted teaching and learning is happening every day. Students are creating, communicating and thinking critically — they’re learning. Zoom breakout rooms allow small groups to collaborate, and students can meet in a breakout room one-on-one with an instructor or related services staff member for support.
If you have questions about what the shift to fully remote means to your student, please contact your student’s teachers or counselor. We will keep you updated when new information is available.
As always, many thanks for your patience, understanding, flexibility and commitment to safety.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
We are evaluating implications of governor’s announcement re: restrictions
Posted 10/20/20
Today (Oct. 20), Gov. Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health announced that COVID-19 resurgence mitigations will be implemented in Region 8, which includes DuPage and Kane counties, and Region 7, which includes Will and Kankakee counties, beginning Friday, Oct. 23. State officials said both regions are seeing a 7-day rolling average COVID-19 test positivity rate of 8% or above for three consecutive days, which exceeds the threshold set for establishing mitigation measures under the state’s Restore Illinois Resurgence Plan. See the announcement here.
We are evaluating the implications of this announcement on schools. We will keep families and staff informed as further information becomes available.
To slow the spread of COVID-19, stay home when possible, hold activities outdoors and in small groups, and practice the 3Ws:
Message from Superintendent David Larson
Posted 10/19/20
Many thanks to parents and guardians as we navigate through this unique and challenging school year. This morning, we welcomed to school students who are in our hybrid model and continue to connect with those learning remotely. We will continue to offer both quality hybrid and remote learning models to our families. Teachers are livestreaming their lessons and providing instruction and assistance to both in-person and remote students simultaneously five days a week.
The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority. We continue to strictly adhere to health safety protocols. Our four criteria for in-person learning include:
We feel confident that it is safe for students whose families chose our hybrid model to attend in person.
Note that the DuPage County Health Department’s guidance encourages school districts to follow their best models.
The upgrade of one of the county’s six metrics to substantial does not meet our criteria to shift back to fully remote. See our Learning Phase Transitions for details. We closely monitor the Health Department’s six metrics for schools, and I communicate with DuPage Health Department Executive Director Karen Ayala throughout each week.
Note that we have not been able to connect any positive COVID-19 cases as transmission in our high schools. The county continues to assure us that spread is not happening in schools. Schools are not contributing to the increase. The Health Department reports the majority of positive cases are related to community activities that do not adhere to key safety guidelines. According to Ayala and the Health Department, at this time, cases of spread are not occurring in DuPage school buildings.
Superintendent David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Update re: transition to hybrid instruction on Oct. 19
Posted 10/5/20
Dear Glenbard families,
Thank you for your patience, understanding, flexibility and support in the past several weeks. I know this has been a challenging time for many.
After carefully assessing our four criteria for shifting to our hybrid model, we believe it is safe to transition to our hybrid in-person learning model on Oct. 19. The four criteria include health data, staffing, safety protocols and equipment and quarantine restrictions. Unless we confront an unforeseen situation or circumstance, we plan to be in our hybrid in-person learning model on Oct. 19. We are eager to welcome back to the classroom students who have chosen our hybrid model. For calendar information, see the link below.
Freshman/New Student Orientation Activities
Leading up to the Oct. 19 in-person learning start, each building will host orientation activities for freshmen and new students. Look for correspondence from your principal regarding specific details.
Orientation for Students with Highest Needs
Orientation for our students in Life Skills and Transitions programs will be offered prior to Oct. 19. Our supervisors will communicate details to families in these programs.
Families Still have the Option for Fully Remote
Our hybrid model combines in-person and remote learning. Taking this approach allows us to maximize social distancing and health and safety in our buildings, and allows families the option of fully remote learning. If a family previously chose our hybrid model and now wants to go with our fully remote model, they should make that request to their student’s school counselor.
In preparation for the return to in-person learning, we will have a planning day for teachers on Wednesday, Oct. 14. Note: there will be no school on Oct. 14.
The schedule on Oct. 15 will be livestream periods 1-4, and the schedule for Oct. 16 will be livestream periods 5-8.
Any district-wide students who are scheduled to take the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) on Oct. 14 at Glenbard East should still plan to be at East on Oct. 14 to take the exam.
Important dates:
Please review our first semester calendar here.
Safety Protocols
Safety is our top priority; safety underpins everything. As we return to in-person learning, we will implement the following protocols to protect the health and safety of our students, staff and families:
Review our FAQ for more information about the hybrid in-person learning model.
The health, safety, and well-being of our school community remains our top priority. We are following sound protocols aligned with health officials’ guidance. It’s important that we observe key health protocols: wear a mask, maintain social distancing, wash your hands frequently and stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms or suspect COVID-19 (ex: awaiting testing results).
I look forward to seeing our students in our buildings again soon.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Recording of 9/24 webinar re: shifting to in-person learning
Posted 9/24/20
On Sept. 24, Superintendent David Larson hosted a webinar about the criteria that will determine our move to the in-person portion of our hybrid learning model. The webinar provided information about such matters as the class schedule, health department guidance and data, survey results and a typical routine of the school day during in-person learning.
Watch the webinar recording here.
Dr. Larson also has shared information about the four key criteria that will allow us to shift to our hybrid model:
Please review this FAQ document, which features questions and answers about the four key criteria and our move to in-person learning.
Webinar reminder, FAQ for return to in-person learning
Superintendent David Larson has shared information about the four key criteria that will allow us to shift to our hybrid model:
Please review this FAQ document, which features questions and answers about the four key criteria and our move to in-person learning.
After you review the FAQ document, if you have additional questions, please submit them through this Google Form by Wednesday, Sept. 23.
Reminder: On Thursday, Sept. 24, the district will host a Zoom Webinar to share information about our unique and challenging 2020-21 educational journey. The Webinar will answer questions about such matters as the class schedule, health department guidance and data, survey results and a typical routine of the school day during in-person learning. At 7 p.m. Sept. 24, join the Webinar here.
Webinar about hybrid model set for Sept. 24
Posted 9/18/20
While we are in the remote only portion of our hybrid learning model, we continue to carefully review criteria that would allow us to move to in-person learning. On Thursday, Sept. 24, the district will host a webinar to share information about our unique and challenging 2020-21 educational journey. The webinar will answer questions about such matters as the class schedule, health department guidance and data, survey results and a typical routine of the school day during in-person learning. At 7 p.m. Sept. 24, join the Webinar here.
On Sept. 21, families will receive an FAQ document that provides an overview of information about these areas, as well as a link to a Google Form. After you review the FAQ on Monday, if you have additional questions, you may submit them through the Google Form.
Larson: four criteria will determine shift to in-person learning
Posted 9/16/20
We continue to monitor DuPage County COVID-19 rates and metrics provided by the state and county health departments to determine when our in-person hybrid learning model can begin. Currently, the growing number of COVID-19 cases in DuPage is a major barrier to in-person learning. We are eager to have students return for in-person learning, but to do so safely, there needs to be a consistent downward trend in COVID-19 data.
Each day, we continue to assess the health department metrics, along with the other three criteria areas noted below. We will appraise families regularly.
There are four key criteria that will allow us to shift to our hybrid model:
Health Data
Of the four criteria, current health data is an area of concern regarding our ability to return to in-person learning. According to the DuPage Health Department and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), DuPage is seeing trends that cause concerns.
Now, more than ever, it is critical that each of us adheres to health officials’ guidelines:
On Sept. 11, the IDPH placed DuPage in a warning category because of the number of new COVID-19 cases and the number of deaths. The IDPH threshold is 50 new positive cases per 100,000 people; however, in DuPage, cases have grown to 89 per 100,000 people. This trend has placed DuPage County in a cautionary position.
On Sept. 14, the DuPage County Health Department released its Metrics for Schools, based on IDPH data. Of the six COVID-19 metrics the county is monitoring, five are trending upwards for this past week. Know that this alarming trend could be reversed if each of us adheres to health recommendations. Wearing masks, social distancing and washing your hands are highly recommended precautions. If you have COVID-19, please work with the local health department to isolate and/or quarantine to stop the spread.
While the health data is alarming, the status for each of our other three criteria is at an acceptable level.
As part of our planning for a return to in-person learning, we have forecasted necessary staffing levels. We have specific staffing level targets for categories such as substitutes, additional supervisors, security, transportation, food service and custodial services.
Quarantine Restrictions
We are required to follow the strict guidelines for contact tracing if quarantine is required, per the DuPage County Health Department. The protocols for complying with contact tracing can be done efficiently and effectively if each of us complies with the safety protocols. Fewer individuals will be quarantined if each of us adheres to the safety protocols. Quarantine represents 14 or more days.
Safety Protocols and Equipment
How you can help
This week, three out of our four criteria are at an acceptable level. It is critical for each of us to be diligent regarding the health precautions. I am confident that our combined efforts will result in reducing the number of COVID-19 cases so we can safely launch our hybrid learning model soon.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Superintendent announces delayed start of in-person learning
Posted 8/31/20
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for your support as we launched the fully remote school day. Our students are working hard, and our talented instructors have been nimble and resourceful in facilitating relevant and challenging learning experiences via livestream through our digital platforms and tools. The changes made to remote learning over the summer have resulted in a more engaging school experience for students. While we opened in remote, we also have worked diligently to develop processes and identify the staff needed to make our hybrid model successful.
While we take great pride in our carefully designed hybrid model, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the start of in-person learning (our hybrid model) due to the rising number of cases of COVID-19. We will continuously monitor COVID-19 rates and metrics provided by the state and county to evaluate when the Hybrid Schedule can start and will assess the metrics and re-evaluate every six weeks, the next will be on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. We will notify you regularly of any changes. Information from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the DuPage County Department of Health indicate high COVID-19 rates. This data includes the DuPage County Health Department’s Return to School Framework, rates in Glenbard communities that are continuing to climb, as well as the increasing numbers of new cases in the county.
Community Transmission of COVID-19
We monitor the COVID-19 situation both locally and nationally. DuPage County continues to have a growing number of cases of COVID-19 as seen in this DuPage Health Department summary. We are aware of individuals being infected at social gatherings in the community and then transmitting COVID-19 to others. Communities and schools that experienced increased COVID-19 cases have had to revert to increased restrictions and close schools after trying to open safely. We can learn from these cases that our diligence and dedication to following all precautions in the community and in our day-to-day lives can have a direct impact on each other’s well-being and our collective desire to return to some level of in-person learning.
The trend of confirmed cases of COVID-19 within our communities. See below for an example of the increase in cases in our four largest communities in a five-week window.
Total Number of Confirmed Cases of COVID-19
Source: DuPage County Health Department
Date | Glen Ellyn | Glendale Heights | Carol Stream | Lombard |
July 19, 2020 | 195 | 764 | 557 | 452 |
Aug. 26, 2020 | 428 | 865 | 758 | 684 |
If someone in your household is sick or awaiting COVID-19 test results, do not attend our athletic events or other school-related events and activities. We strongly urge families to not have social gatherings at their home or elsewhere in the community. We implore Glenbard families to strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines, wear a mask in public, wash their hands and stay home if they are sick to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and get us closer to offering in-person learning.
Feedback Form
As we continue to move forward with remote learning, we want to gather feedback regarding your experience, student experiences and staff experiences with our fully remote learning. We made substantial changes to our schedule, instruction and grading since our remote learning experience last spring and recognize that input from all stakeholders is needed in order to continue to improve remote learning. Please take the time to share your feedback in this survey.
When it comes time to launch the hybrid schedule, we will continue to work hard to keep students and staff safe and engaged. Be assured that we are committed to safely providing the best possible learning experience for each student. Many thanks for your continued patience and support.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Superintendent message about first day of school
Posted 8/14/20
Dear Glenbard families,
What a challenging year. Thank you for your support as we prepare for this year’s unique kickoff to the school year. Even in these difficult times, we are confident your student will have a quality, rigorous experience. The following is important information to be aware of regarding the first day of school.
READY FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL- for students and parents
School starts at 7:30AM on Monday, August 17, and all students are learning remotely until September 8. Students should log into Schoology on their Glenbard iPad before 7:30AM. Then, open your first period class and tap the link to the livestream video. If you do not see a link to the livestream, email your teacher.
Follow the schedule below:
Things to do before school starts:
Students with technical difficulties may submit a technical help request online or call the technical support phone line at 630-942-7777. Then leave a message with your first and last name, school, ID number, call back phone number and a description of the issues. A tech support person will call you back during school hours. This is available in English and Spanish.
Thanks again for your understanding and support.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Information about using Schoology and PowerSchool
Posted 8/14/20
We know that families always want to stay in touch with student grades, attendance and assignments. This is even more important this year due to the changes in teaching and learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Families have two important tools for assessing information about your student’s progress and learning: PowerSchool and Schoology. Please make sure you know how to access these two important resources so you can stay up-to-date. Click here for more information and access instructions for PowerSchool and Schoology.
PowerSchool: Every Glenbard family has a PowerSchool account. This is the account you used to register for school. Students and parents/guardians can view grades, scores, and schedules in PowerSchool. For easy access to this information, use the PowerSchool app on your phone. Click here for instructions on accessing the PowerSchool app (in English and Spanish).
Schoology is the heart of remote learning at Glenbard. Here teachers will post links to the live stream, along with assignments and learning materials. With your Schoology account, you will be able to view your student’s activity within Schoology, including the homework they have turned in, teacher feedback, due dates for future assignments and other important class information.
Superintendent announces adjustment to school reopening plan
Posted 8/3/20
Thank you for your understanding and patience during this unusual journey as we prepare to launch the school year. We believe our Hybrid model of instruction provides a strong academic experience for both in-person and remote learning. However, due to the complexities of launching this schedule, it has become necessary to proceed with launching Fully Remote livestream learning for all students on Aug. 17 and delaying the in-person/Hybrid model until Sept. 8. Reasons for this include the following:
Our goal is to launch our in-person/Hybrid model on Sept. 8. You may review our Fully Remote and Hybrid models here.
Also, please review our FAQ regarding the 2020-21 school year and draft IHSA guidance for sports seasons. When the final IHSA plan is approved, the modified fall sports season will begin regardless of the instructional model we are deploying.
While this is an adjustment to our plan, know that we are very confident with the features and options provided by our robust technology infrastructure. Teachers can livestream lessons and have the ability for all students to collaborate in Zoom breakout rooms. With iPads, Zoom, Schoology and other tools Glenbard has a complete digital classroom. Teacher-led instruction is provided according to the following schedule:
Period 1: 7:30-8:40 | Period 1: 7:30-8:40 | Period 1: 7:30-8:10
Period 2: 8:20-9:00 |
Period 6: 7:30-8:40 | Period 6: 7:30-8:40 |
Period 2: 8:45-9:55 | Period 2: 8:45-9:55 | Period 3: 9:10-9:50
Period 4: 10:00-10:40 |
Period 7: 8:45-9:55 | Period 7: 8:45-9:55 |
Period 3: 10:00-11:10 | Period 3: 10:00-11:10 | Period 5: 10:50-11:30
Period 6: 11:40-12:20 |
Period 8: 10:00-11:10 | Period 8: 10:00-11:10 |
Period 4: 11:15-12:25 | Period 4: 11:15-12:25 | Period 7: 12:30-1:10
Period 8: 1:20-2:00 |
Period 5: 11:15-12:25 | Period 5: 11:15-12:25 |
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 1:00-2:25: Students participate in additional learning activities via Schoology, attend teacher office hours, complete homework as assigned.
Zero hour does not meet at a specific time and these courses have learning activities available via Schoology. |
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Recording of school webinars re: return to school
Each of our high schools hosted a webinar about our return to school plan. You may watch a recording of the webinar at the links below.
Glenbard East
Glenbard North
Glenbard South
Glenbard West
To offer feedback on the plan, use the Feedback Form.
Return to school webinar slideshow and video
Posted 7/29/20
Return to school webinar slideshow
Return to school webinar video en Espanol
Return to school slideshow presentation en Espanol
Return to school parent feedback form
Principals to host family webinar re: return to school
Posted 7/28/20
This week, each of our principals will host a webinar designed to educate families about our return to school model of instruction for the fall semester. Details about the webinar, including a link to the webinar, are in the news feed on each high school’s website and at each school’s link below.
The webinars will be hosted at 6 p.m. on the following dates:
East – July 28
North – July 28
South – July 29
West – July 29
A copy of the presentation is here. Each webinar will be recorded each evening and a link to the recording will be shared with families after the webinar ends.
Helpful information to review prior to the webinar includes:
Glenbard School Day Plan for Families Link
FAQ Regarding 2020-21 School Year
Families may choose Fully Remote or Hybrid model July 27 – Aug. 2
Posted 7/25/20
Starting on July 27, families should follow the steps below to log into PowerSchool and choose either our return to school Hybrid model or Fully Remote model. The deadline to choose is Aug. 2.
Follow these steps to indicate your choice:
Review our D87 Restore Illinois Phase 4 School Day Plan and a related FAQ.
Be sure to note the following important dates related to return to school:
Superintendent shares Restore Illinois Phase 4 School Day Plan
Posted 7/22/20
Dear D87 Parents and Guardians,
I trust that you have been able to enjoy this summer despite the many challenges caused by the pandemic crisis. Many thanks for your patience and support as we have navigated through a challenging opening of the school year planning process due to slow, inconsistent and sometimes confusing guidelines and mandates distributed by state agencies.
After a careful and intentional design process, we are confident that the D87 Restore Illinois Phase Four 4 School Day Plan will meet the needs of all students and families. See the D87 Restore Illinois Phase Four 4 School Day Plan and FAQ. The plan includes the following strengths and advantages:
Parents and guardians of each D87 high school will have the opportunity to hear an overview of the plan in a webinar format at the following times:
Glenbard East – Tuesday, July 28, at 6 p.m.
Glenbard North – Tuesday, July 28, at 6 p.m.
Glenbard South – Wednesday, July 29, at 6 p.m.
Glenbard West – Wednesday, July 29, at 6 p.m.
Directions or Transition programs – it is recommended that you join one of the webinars listed above. Directions Principal Raquel Wilson or Transition Supervisor Dawn Langdon will contact you separately to gather input/feedback on the 2020-21 plan.
After the plan is reviewed during the webinar, there will be an opportunity for parents and guardians to submit questions and ideas that will help in future planning and additions to the FAQ.
Your principal will send a follow-up email with access information for your school’s webinar.
Important dates:
August 2 – Deadline for Fully Remote Option students/families to notify district
August 10 – Teachers Return
August 17 – First Day for Students
We understand the difficult decisions, adjustments and sacrifices that everyone needs to make as we face down the pandemic. We appreciate your support and understanding. We will get through this together.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
CDC County Data
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Clean Your Hands fact sheet
Comcast Low-Cost Internet
COVID-19 Community Resources
COVID-19 Testing
DuPage Health Department
Food Assistance
Food Banks
Glenbard News Signup
Handwashing at home, play and out and about
Helpline for Families
Illinois Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health vaccine info
Illinois High School Association
Illinois State Board of Education
Schoology, How to Get Started
Schoology, How to Get Started (en espanol)
Stop the Spread of Germs fact sheet
Tech support for Glenbard Students
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
Comm Legis & Prtnrshp Mtg-District Office
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