The Glenbard B-PAC Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee and GPS-Spanish will host Dr. Ferney Ramirez as part of their speaker line-up in the 2020-21 school year. Check out Dr. Ramirez’s Take 5 Preview video message, Parenting Positively in a Crisis. He provides positive ideas to families that may be experiencing difficult times during the pandemic. Check out all of the GPS Take 5 video previews
El Comité Asesor de Padres Bilingües B-PAC y el programa GPS en Español tiene el gusto de presentar al Dr. Ferney Ramírez como uno de sus oradores para el próximo año escolar 2020-2021. *Favor de checar el avance del video ‘Toma 5’ titulado “Creando un Ambiente Familiar Positivo en éstos Tiempos de Crisis” el cual provee ideas positivas para padres de familia que puedan estar experimentando tiempos difíciles durante la pandemia actual.
College Resources for Undocumented Students / Recursos Universitarios para Estudiantes Indocumentados
Rise Act enables undocumented students in Illinois who meet certain requirements to qualify for the MAP grant (up to $5,340 per year) to use at approximately 140 colleges/universities in Illinois. Students will be able to apply for this as of January 1, 2020, to use for the next academic year (2020-2021).
College Greenlight site includes scholarships for undocumented students. The student just has to create a profile to see what scholarships match their profile. The more detailed the profile, the better the matching process of scholarships on the student’s dashboard.
College Advising Guide for Undocumented Students has details regarding admission policies, financial aid and scholarship opportunities at colleges and universities throughout the nation, including who to contact on the respective college if a student has questions.
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights has information in various languages about the rights of undocumented individuals, what to do if they encounter ICE, and a list of qualified immigration attorneys and nonprofits that offer legal advice at low costs. It’s important that students get immigration advice from qualified individuals.
Tax preparation via LadderUp It’s important that parents who are undocumented file their tax returns if they are working so their students can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) properly (for students born in the U.S.) or the RISE Act Application for MAP (for students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents). They help families get an ITIN (individual taxpayer identification number) for those parents who do not have a Social Security number and help low-income families file a tax return for free.
Illinois State Board of Education
Resources for families of English learners
Colorín Colorado
A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners.
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