In compliance with State Law – Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1, each school district is required to post specific information regarding the school district as part of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requirements. Such information is contained in documents listed on the Transparency page. If the information you are seeking is not found in these or other documents posted on this website, you may request copies of existing documents by submitting your request in writing to one of the following FOIA officers:
Nathan Lindquist – Chief FOIA Officer
Requests should be sent to one of the above individuals at:
Glenbard Township High School District 87
596 Crescent Boulevard
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
A request for inspection and/or copies of public records must be made in writing and may be submitted by personal delivery, mail, fax, or email.
Fee Schedule for FOIA Requests
Public records may be furnished without charge or at a reduced charge if the individual requesting the public records states specifically the purpose for the request and the reasons that a waiver or reduction of the fee is in the public interest. Waive or reduction of the fee may be determined to be in the public interest if the principal purpose of the request is to access and disseminate information regarding the health, safety, and welfare, or the legal rights of the general public, and is not for the principal purpose of personal or commercial benefit. In determining the amount of waiver or reduction, the District may take into consideration the amount of materials requested and the cost of copying them.
Further information regarding the Illinois Freedom of Information Act provisions may be found at the website of the Office of Illinois Attorney General at:
Categories of the District’s Public Records
As required by 5 ILCS 140/5
The records maintained by District 87 include, but may not necessarily be limited to, the following categories:
List of Documents or Categories of Records that the District Shall Immediately Disclose Upon Request
The following public records are designated by the District’s Freedom of Information Officer as being immediately available on the District’s website and may be inspected, downloaded, printed, and/or copied. Any asterisked public record is immediately available for inspection or copying upon request at the District’s administrative office during its regular business hours, provided any applicable fees are paid. Records without an asterisk will be provided within 5 business days as allowed by the Freedom of Information Act, provided any applicable fees are paid.
Web-posted records and information
*Annual schedule of regular meetings for the current school year that are posted at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year
*Public notice of each board meeting that is posted at least 48 hours before the meeting and remains posted until the meeting is concluded
*Agenda of each regular meeting that is posted at least 48 hours before a meeting and remains posted until the meeting is concluded.
*Official open meeting minutes that are posted within 10 days of the Board’s approval and remain posted for at least 60 days
*Description of the District and its records including:
(These items can be found on our Publications page)
Approximate number of full and part-time employees (see also, salary and benefits information report for the Superintendent, administrators, and teachers, District’s Statement of Affairs)
Identification and membership of the Board Brief description of the methods whereby the public may request information and public records
Directory for the Freedom of Information Officer
Address where requests for public records should be directed
Annual budget for current fiscal year, itemized by receipts and expenditures
*District’s current report card (ISBE School Report Card Data Form 86-43)
Administrator Salary Compensation Report (itemized salary compensation report for every employee holding an administrative certificate and working in that capacity, including the Superintendent). For each District administrator:
Current contracts with an exclusive bargaining representative(s)
A listing of all contracts over $25,000 for the current fiscal year
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
Comm Legis & Prtnrshp Mtg-District Office
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