The District-Wide Pandemic Planning Committee is comprised of parents, faculty, staff, administrators and Board of Education members. The committee welcomes input and suggestions. To submit feedback for the District-Wide Pandemic Planning Committee, please send an email to Superintendent Larson at [email protected]
March 25, 2021 Agenda:
Discussion items at March 25 meeting:
Planning team’s purpose: The purpose of our planning teams is to review the current district response to the pandemic, and to discuss and suggest changes and improvements regarding the various plans.
April 5, 2021
Student learning mode update
Families had option to choose new learning mode last week. 51% choose remote only starting April 5.
COVID-19 variants
Per Illinois Department of Public Health, three variants identified. The variants:
Recommendations include masks, physical distancing, vaccine, hand hygiene and isolation/quarantine to slow the spread.
Athletics and activities
All students may participate in all sports and activities as long as:
January 2021 Survey Data
COVID-19 screening program
School updates:
Pandemic Planning Committee Meetings Recap
Each of our schools has a Pandemic Planning Committee that is comprised of parents, faculty, staff and administrators. A representative from each building committee provided a summary of their school’s committee meeting. These advisory committees welcome input and suggestions, which should be emailed to the school principal.
Next steps: the team will look at meeting in May 2021. Tentative agenda topics:
The following were the discussion items from the Jan. 28 committee meeting
Pandemic Planning Committee Purpose
The purpose of our planning teams is to review the current district response to the pandemic and to discuss and suggest changes and improvements regarding the various plans. The District-Wide Pandemic Planning Committee is an advisory committee.
Committee members reviewed results of our e-learning surveys sent to students, staff and families from March-November 2020 and discussed our survey sent to the same three audiences on Jan. 25.
Contact tracing
The following are steps we take for contact tracing:
COVID-19 saliva screening program
Our COVID-19 saliva screening program began on Jan. 19. Submitting a weekly sample is required for our hybrid, in-person learning model and required of students in the remote only learning model who want to participate in extracurricular activities on campus. After our initial week of screening there were 3,916 screens performed, with 13 of the screens or 0.33%, identified for a referral to a CLIA-certified lab for a diagnostic test. If there is an indication for a referral, the individual would be contacted as soon as we receive the screen result, less than 24 hours. If the screen is negative, the individual will not be contacted.
COVID-19 Vaccine
We are partnering with our six K-8 sender school districts and making plans with local health agencies to provide the COVID-19 vaccine for our staff.
Athletics Update
On Jan. 27, the IHSA announced revamped sports seasons and updated streamlined schedules designed to allow all sports to compete between now and June. We are committed to following the IHSA and IDPH guidance regarding mitigation and opportunities. All participants must follow all safety mitigation measures, including mandatory weekly saliva screening, mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing.
Student Supports
Social Emotional Supports
Building Access Supports
Schools’ Pandemic Planning Committee Meetings Recap
Each of our schools has a Pandemic Planning Committee that is comprised of parents, faculty, staff and administrators. A representative from each building committee provided a summary of their school’s committee meeting. These advisory committees welcome input and suggestions, which should be emailed to the school principal.
Next Steps
The committee plans to meet in March 2021. Discussion items will include an update from each school’s Pandemic Planning Committee, survey results, saliva screening program, COVID-19 vaccine and status of athletics and extracurricular activities.
The following were the discussion items at the Dec. 2, 2020 committee meeting.
Pandemic Planning Committee Purpose
The purpose of our planning teams is to review the current district response to the pandemic and to discuss and suggest changes and improvements regarding the various plans. The District-Wide Pandemic Planning Committee is an advisory committee.
Schools’ Pandemic Planning Committee Meetings Recap
Each of our high schools has a Pandemic Planning Committee that is comprised of parents, faculty, staff and administrators. A representative from each building committee provided a summary of their school’s committee meeting. Topics included daily schedule, safety protocols, instruction, student supports and technology. These advisory committees welcome input and suggestions, which should be emailed to the school principal.
Glenbard East Principal Antoine Anderson [email protected]
Glenbard North Principal John Mensik [email protected]
Glenbard South Principal Sandra Coughlin [email protected]
Glenbard West Principal Peter Monaghan [email protected]
Implementation Status Report
Committee members discussed:
Next Steps
The committee will meet on Jan. 28, 2021 to discuss survey results, contact tracing and vaccines.
Committee members include:
Antoine Anderson
Chris Gladish
Chris McClain
Chris Mitchell
Cindy Infelise
Colleen Jochum
Cyndi Covelli
David Larson
Ellen Szarzak
Eve Schneider
Janet Berger
Janet Cook
John Mensik
Josh Chambers
Kevin Sutton
Kim Lawler
Margaret DeLaRosa
Martha Mueller
Maureen Joiner
Meggan Burgoni
Melissa Creech
Mike Souza
Patrick McGill
Peg Mannion
Peter Monaghan
Sandra Coughlin
Susanna Melón
Taff Nielsen
Terry Svoboda
Tina Saviano
Viraj Dhebar
Wade Hardtke
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
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