Southern Community Based Transition Site
450 East Roosevelt Road, Lombard, IL 60148
Direct Phone: 630-376-4707
Transition services are intended to prepare students to move from the world of school to the world of adulthood. In planning what types of transition services and activities a student needs, the IEP Team considers areas such as post-secondary education or training, employment, and adult living. More information is available at
Community-based Transition services and supports offered at the Southern Transition Site are designed to assist students with disabilities attain their respective adult life plans. These supports are located in the community to optimize access to jobs, various transportation options, social opportunities, recreational facilities and events, as well as other opportunities that can help each student grow into their adult life more successfully. As students begin to reach adult outcomes the goal is that services at Transition begin to fade to prepare families for post-secondary plans.
Case managers
Kelly Cox: 630-942-7592; [email protected]
Justin Payne: 630-942-6609; [email protected]
Jaimee Schackmann: 630-681-3393; [email protected]
Program Nurse – Becky Chavez: 630-376-4708; [email protected]
Vocational Transition Specialist – Samantha Fitz: 847-537-6403; [email protected]
Coordinator for Transition – Dawn Langdon: 630-942-7649; [email protected]
Transition (Adult Resources) Specialist – Erin Hoving: 630-942-6783; [email protected]
Assistant to Transition Coordinator – Melissa Zaro: 630-942-7699; [email protected]
What are student hours?
Collaboration hour
When and where should students arrive?
What should I do if I am dropping my student off after 8:00 a.m. or picking them up before 2:00 p.m.?
What should I do if my student will be absent?
What should visitors do?
What should students bring to the site on a daily basis?
What should students keep at the site?
What are the options for lunch?
Students have the option to:
What should students do when they leave the site during the day for work or appointment (not including group community-based instruction)?
What if your student becomes sick during the day?
What should I do if I need to send in medication for my student?
FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
What do I need to do if I need to contact my student’s case manager?
*In case of an emergency, call the direct line and follow the prompts.
In non-emergency situations, email or call case manager. They will get back to you at their earliest convenience.
How do we know the daily schedule?
How and when do students communicate their work schedule for paid employment?
Students are expected to adhere to Glenbard safety guidelines while engaging in community instruction. Students will be expected to come prepared for community outings (ex. proper attire if going outside for the day).
What forms of transportation are used for community-based instruction?
Safeway, PACE, Metra Train, American Taxi, walking or vans.
Why do students participate in various instructional activities?
Instructional experiences are driven by post-secondary transition goals and outcomes, group capacities, and student choice/interest.
If student’s post-secondary plan includes fitness – what are the options?
Students are expected to maintain proper hygiene, follow the dress code of their community-based training site and follow policies and procedures of the work training site.
Parent PowerSchool
Glenbard District 87 uses the PowerSchool system to help keep parents and students informed about students’ progress and academic performance. PowerSchool is a web-based student information system. It is intended to provide students, parents/guardians and teachers with a tool to communicate about student, attendance and more. PowerSchool may be accessed from most devices with internet access. The system uses a secure link that ensures that all of the information displayed is secure. Additional information about using PowerSchool can be reviewed by visiting:
Schoology is Glenbard’s learning management system where students and parents/guardians will see digital course materials. Schoology is also the common platform where students interact with online discussions, turn in digital work, and take digital assessments. The student Schoology login is the same as the student Glenbard Google account credentials. Parents/guardians have access to their student’s Schoology courses and groups through a separate parent account. More info on parent accounts can be found by visiting:
Diploma and Transcript Requests
Please contact the registrar at the high school that your student attended (home school) to arrange a time to pick up your student’s diploma when they exit the transition program. Diplomas typically take 4-6 weeks to arrive once your student has finished at Transition. You may also contact the registrar to place a transcript request.
School Registrars
Glenbard District Handbooks
Victims of Sexual Assault Information – Erin’s Law Policy 4:165
“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in Illinois implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program that teaches: Students in grades preK – 12th grade age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult. If you see something, tell someone! Report concerns to Deans, Counselors, Teachers, Student Services, or School Resource Officer. Additional links are provided below:
National Sexual Assault Hotline Confidential 24/7 Support
Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse in Teens
Warning Signs of Possible Sexual Abuse
Grooming: Know the warning signs
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Reporting Sexual Abuse
Reporting to Law Enforcement
Reporting Child Sexual Abuse
Reporting to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Safeguard Against Sexual Abuse in Schools – Faith’s Law
Faith’s Law expands the criminal definition of grooming beyond electronic communications to include written communications and acts committed in person or by conduct through a third party. The law also makes it clear that mandated reporters must report suspected grooming to DCFS under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
In addition to expanding the criminal definition of grooming, Faith’s Law includes several new requirements for schools and educators intended to prevent sexual abuse and misconduct in schools. Faith’s Law adds a completely new section to the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/22-85.5) pertaining to sexual misconduct in schools. This section requires all school districts, charter schools, and nonpublic schools to develop an employee code of professional conduct policy that must be made available on the school’s website and included in any staff, student, or parent handbook.
Need to report a concern or an incident? Call your child’s school, state the reason for your call, and speak to the principal or a social worker.
The Illinois State Board of Education Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide
Employee code of professional conduct policy
Policy 5:120 –
Nondiscrimination Commitment and Title IX Policy
Glenbard Township High School District 87 is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in its education programs and activities and employment. Learn more at the district’s nondiscrimination commitment and Title IX policy page.
The Title IX coordinators for Glenbard District 87 are Janet Cook and Josh Chambers. Their contact info is listed below:
Janet Cook
Assistant Superintendent for Student Services
Glenbard Township High School District 87
596 Crescent Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
[email protected]
Josh R. Chambers
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Glenbard Township High School District 87
596 Crescent Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
[email protected]
Comm Legis & Prtnrshp Mtg-District Office
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Nondiscrimination Commitment and Title IX policy
Have a question about or issue with the site? Email [email protected]
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