Glenbard High School District 87 is committed to maintaining an open and honest relationship with its stakeholders. As part of that commitment, this page was created to condense key documents and information into one place to make it easier to find important information about District 87.
For more information, contact Nathan Lindquist, District 87 Interim Community Relations Coordinator, at 630-469-9100 Ext. 5149 or [email protected].
Board of Education
District Office Staff
Do you have a question or comment about Glenbard District 87 school business to be forwarded to the Board of Education? Click here
Board Meeting Agendas & minutes
Board Calendar
Board Policies
FOIA Information
Chief FOIA Officer – Nathan Lindquist
Requests should be sent to one of the above individuals at:
Glenbard High School District #87
596 Crescent Boulevard
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
Finance Publications and Other Financial Information
AFSCME Contract
GEA Contract
SEIU Contract
Salary Schedule
Admin & Teacher Salary Report – 24
IMRF Salary and Benefit Report
5 ILCS 120_7.3(b)
Extracurricular Schedule
Only current/active notices will be posted.
Glenbard School District 87, the Board of Education, and/or administrators or staff are members
(or have been members in the last five years) of the following professional organizations that may or may not do lobbying:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Government Finance Officers Association
Illinois Association of School Administrators
Illinois Association of School Boards
Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education
Illinois Principals Association
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Legislative Education Network of DuPage (LEND)
Name, Role, Training – Date
Margaret DeLaRosa, President, Open Meetings Act Training, Professional Development Training and PERA Training (IASB) – 06/05/15
Robert Friend, Vice President, Open Meetings Act Training – 03/06/12, Professional Development Training and PERA Training (IASB) – 11/23/13
Kermit Eby, Parliamentarian, Open Meetings Act Training – 05/07/21
Martha Mueller, Open Meetings Act Training – 07/29/15, Professional Development Training and PERA Training (IASB) – 11/20/15
James Shannon, Open Meetings Act Training – 10/16/22, Professional Development Training and PERA Training (IASB) – 11/19/22
Rosemarie Montanez, Open Meetings Act Training – 03/28/23; Professional Development Training and PERA Training (IASB) – 09/23/23
Hetal Lee, Open Meetings Act Training – 06/10/23, Basics of Governance – October 31, 2023, Professional Development Training and PERA Training (IASB) – 12/02/23
Glenbard is committed to protecting the information security and privacy of students in accordance with the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA). The Student Online Privacy Protection Act is the data privacy law that regulates student data collection and use by schools, the Illinois State Board of Education and education technology vendors.
The Student Online Privacy Protection Act requires all Illinois public schools provide additional guarantees that educational vendors (for example, Schoology, PowerSchool, etc.) not use student information collected through digital platforms for their own benefit. Linked here is a public viewing page detailing the list of partnership agreements Glenbard has with vendors.
Resources Supporting Safe Return to School
13. Transparency in Coverage Act (TiC Final Rules)
The Transparency in Coverage final rule, released on 10/29/20, requires health plans and carriers to publicly disclose pricing information via machine-readable files (MRFs). MRFs are intended for third party technology developers, as they are written in computer code, not English.
This is the URL for Glenbard Township High School District #87 MRFs.
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
GPS webinar with Dr. Mary Ann Little
Comm Legis & Prtnrshp Mtg-District Office
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of this website, please click here >
Nondiscrimination Commitment and Title IX policy
Have a question about or issue with the site? Email [email protected]
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